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As the value of cryptocurrencies continues to rise, so too do the measures crypto enthusiasts take to protect their wealth. A metal crypto wallet is by far the golden standard for storage as it features a slim profile, durability, and an air of sophistication that makes it a mainstay for anyone in the crypto space.

The philosophy embodied by cryptocurrencies encourages crypto users to be in control of their private keys. This means that owners of cryptocurrencies should lean more towards metal crypto wallets that store their private key seed phrases. The best metal wallet is not only durable in the long run but also a sure way of keeping your crypto wealth in airtight cold storage.

However, what exactly is a metallic or steel crypto wallet and why do you need a seed phrase to securely store your cryptocurrency?

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What is a Mnemonic Seed Phrase?

A mnemonic seed phrase or backup seed key is a list of words that you can use to restore your bitcoins. The list consists of 12 to 24 different words that are connected to your private key and are generated when your wallet’s private key is first registered on the blockchain.

Simply put, the Mnemonic Seed Phrases are a part of the Bitcoin Improvement Protocol (BIP39) standard that is set to help make it easy for wallet users to remember their private keys. With the seed phrase, your wallet’s private keys can be re-created even if the data on the physical copy on your device gets destroyed.

What Are the Best Metal Crypto Wallets?

These four highly recommended choices will ensure that you can store your seed phrase safely and securely while looking good in the process.

Cobo Tablet

Cobo Tablet

Cobo Tablet is one of the most popular cryptocurrency cold storage solutions out there. It comes in a smooth steel rectangular device that is designed to hold your 24-word seed phrase. Unbeknownst to most people, freak fires can easily cause damage to your hardware wallets. That’s why it’s important to have a seed recovery phrase that’s more durable than the actual wallet.

Cobo Tablet addresses this problem with a seed recovery phrase (sometimes referred to as a metal wallet) that is resistant to physical damage, corrosion, or any kind of harsh condition.

The package comes in two rectangular metal tables with slots for your seed phrase. To fill up the slots with your seed phrase, there is a metal sheet with letters that you can punch out and insert into the tablet to make up your seed phrase.

Finally, you can rotate the tablets to hide your seed phrase and there is a tamper-proof sticker that you can use to reveal whether someone has viewed your seed phrase.

CryptoSteel Capsule


CryptoSteel Capsule is a unique cold storage solution devised in collaboration between hardware wallet manufacturer Ledger and Slider.

It features a tube-shaped capsule that makes it highly portable, and inconspicuous allowing you to take your cold wallet literally anywhere. Individual tiles engraved with the single letters that make up your seed phrase are stored inside the hollow part of the capsule making it easy to carry your entire portfolio around without the need for a cumbersome device.

Given that the outer shell of the capsule is made of 303-grade stainless steel, you can expect it to last for a very long time even if you subject the device to harsh conditions. The tiles are also made from high-grade stainless steel adding to this wallet’s durability.



Blockplate is a sturdy cold storage solution with two plates that are designed to hold your wallet’s private keys. It is a simple device with a secure mechanism that you can use for storing cryptocurrency for generations.

The double-sided stainless steel plates feature an engraved QR code on one side and the 24-word seed phrase on the other. You will have to manually write down your seed phrase on the non-engraved side by first marking on the Blockplate with a marker then stamping the marks permanently with an automatic center punch that is bought separately for about $10 on the Blockplate store. Each plate is made of 304-grade hardened stainless steel and is designed to protect your seed phrase from fire, water, and physical damage.

Cryptosteel Cassette

Cryptosteel Cassette

Cryptosteel Cassette is touted as the mother of all cold storage solutions and for a good reason. It comes in a lightweight and portable cassette design that will outlast you and your children.

The two pocket-sized cassettes are made of stainless steel to resist rusting, and there are metallic tiles that consist of all the letters in the alphabet. The tiles can be assembled manually to set up your 12 or 24 words seed phrase.

The cassettes have enough space for 96 characters. however, while the assembly prices are straightforward, some users might have a difficult time as the tiles are not arranged in alphabetical order as is the case with Cobo Tablet. All in all, the wallet comes in a durable and robust build quality.

What is a Metal Crypto Wallet?

All over the crypto universe, hardware wallets such as the Trezor T and the Ledger Nano X are praised for their excellent security features and their sophisticated design. All safe crypto wallets (including Trezor and Ledger) generate a recovery seed phrase that you generally write down on a piece of paper. The back-up seed can be used to recover your crypto even if your hardware wallet is destroyed.

Your average hardware wallet comes with a plastic construction with a few aluminum components. In most cases, these types of wallets will store the private keys of your wallet. While this is an excellent method of storage, it is not foolproof as plastic material can be cut through with a fairly high degree of ease or destroyed by the elements.

This is where metal crypto wallets come into play. A metallic or steel wallet is an airtight cold storage solution that will virtually last forever and has the ability to protect your private keys from both physical and digital threats.

These types of wallets are built with the same design as paper wallets. However, instead of writing down your seed phrase on a physical piece of paper and hoping to keep that piece of paper safe over the long term, metal crypto wallets go a step further with a design that is more like the metallic equivalent of a paper wallet.

These simple metallic plates that hold a seed phrase of your wallet’s private keys are mostly used by crypto enthusiasts as a backup deposit-only wallet address. However, you can also use them to back up an active address with any cryptocurrency.

You can combine a metal wallet with a hardware wallet like Trezor or Ledger to have the most secure storage for your crypto.

Conclusion: Metal Wallets Are an Extra Level of Protection

If you are looking for a cold storage solution that is highly durable and portable, make sure to check out one of the metal crypto wallets featured above. Keeping your cryptocurrencies offline is by far one of the most secure ways to store your wealth and the best metal crypto wallets featured will give you long-lasting durability and storage.

With a pocket-sized metal crypto wallet, you will be able to keep your money safe from hackers even if they successfully steal your login details. You can also spread them around for maximum safety and security.

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